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Want a Training Course?

Many of you have asked for County to put on more training.  I have attached the training programme for now till June 2018 which shows some of the training we're putting on.  There will be others added but in the meantime, if you want to book on a course, open the attachment and click on the link in the right hand column.  

As a note - Between now and Xmas we are running 2 lots of 1st Aid, 1 first response refresher, leadership, delivering a quality programme, introducing a residential experience, 2 lots of skills of management, facilitating and delivering effective

presentations, advising on adult appointments, 3 Safeguarding courses, 2 Safety Courses, a training advisors day and a Youth Commissioners training day: phew!  

Plus planning for the event of 2018 - the all adults skills refresher and social on the 21st April 2018, which you can book onto here.

So, no excuses for not keeping up your ongoing learning!

Let us know what others you'd like through your DCs.

Cheers, John (CC)

Book a Traing Course (attachment).



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