What is TuneUp?
It's a chance to:
-Meet fellow scouters from across the county
-Network and forge links with othe rgroups
- Learn some new skills or develop your current skills
-Take part in some activities you usually wouldn't get to
- Relax & have fun, without any of the responsibilities
- Get info on training, permits, trips & sign off any outstanding training
What's on, when & where?
Our TuneUp team are working hard to create a programme with as wide a variety of skills & activities that we can!
Please check back for more info
When, where, price?
2-4th June 2023
Parkwood Campsite!
Arrival and Pricing to be confirmed
What's included in the fee?
We are working on making this year as amazing as we can so keep your eyes out for these details!
Can I camp with my leaders?
Yes, but we are encouraging you to step out of your comfort zone, make new connections and pitch up wherever!
Do i need to wear uniform?
No, but we would encourage you to wear your necker/scarf as a conversation spark to find out where other people are from
Who will be there?
Our amazing current (and prospective) volunteers from every role: Leaders, helpers, Executive committee members, District teams, Scout Active Support members etc.
Also on hand all weekend will be various members of our County team from the County chair and commissioner, to all the section leads in the team
How do I sign up?
We know have our very own East Sussex booking system!
This is being tried and tested to make sure we provide the easiest experience to sign up for this years event!